Fernando Diaz Gestal

Product Manager at King: With more than 12 years of experience in the IT industry, Fernando has orchestrated the development of Netex learning ecosystem from 2008 untill 2013. A bachelor in Computer Engineering and lots of masters, postgraduates and certifications in Product & Project Management made him to wear glasses and be the perfect translator of market needs into requirements, and technical aspects into market opportunities.

Artículos de Fernando Diaz Gestal

When creating e-learning content there are factors which we don’t pay enough attention to: one of them is the weight. Put your e-learning content on a diet!
Tin Can API (renamed as eXperience API by ADL), unlike its predecessor SCORM, takes a more open view of training as a starting point, based on the fact that learning can take place anywhere and that we have to be able to register it. To do so, it defines an