Don’t Look Up!How organisational learning and development is changing in a VUCA world

- David Perring

Director of Research, Fosway Group.

What crisis is going to hit us next? Whether it’s new Covid variants, regional instability or environmental collapse, we seem to be facing one crisis after another.

What these crises have taught us is that agility, skills, wellbeing and energised organisations really matter.

And how you deliver this at scale, with passion, and in a personalised way that makes your organisation a place that people love working for, is now business critical. Especially in an economy in the shadow of the great resignation -where attracting and keeping good people is the difference between stagnation and acceleration.

  • In this webinar, David Perring, Director of Research, Fosway Group, will explore:
  • How the future of work is accelerating the need for learning and people development
  • What’s happening in learning organisations to cope in a post-Covid world
  • How hybrid working and the need for agile learning is challenging organisations to embrace agile learning
  • How a revolution in people intelligence is impacting how we upskill and reskill our organisations