(Anti)social marketing

Marketing (in)Social


“Admit that the waters around you have grown. And accept it that soon. You’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth saving, then, you better start swimming. Or you’ll sink like a stone for the times they are changing”. (The times they are a changing). Bob Dylan.

It was January 1964. The young Bob Dylan was publishing the homonymous song of the album The Times They Are A Changin. Perhaps he was not aware of the fact that it was going to become known. Perhaps he was not aware of the fact that we never stop changing.

If something has changed recently, that was our way of communication. We are social beings by nature. We learn more from the experience of others than from ours. So, it is necessary not to neglect this. I read recently in the book Risto Mejide (#Urbrands) that our mark is, above all, everything said about us when we are away. It is certainly true. Nowadays, it is much more important what people say about us than what we say about ourselves.

It is worrying how we tend to neglect social marketing. Hardly any company in the world makes available a platform used to create high-quality digital content to its employees. That culture does not exist.


If we have accepted that the best reflection of a city is its inhabitants, why don’t we have the consciousness that the best image of a company is their employees?

Let’s show and let’s take advantage of that value we have in our company to strengthen our image and our value as a mark. Let’s do it through social marketing so that people who know us only by sight wish to know us personally. Let’s take our employees’ knowledge out for a breath of fresh air. We want people to talk about us, even people who are not interested in the topic, even people who do not know what we do. Let’s grow as an organization. And, above all, let’s grow together.

The moment is now. The speaker and the means are the Internet. The way is the contribution with high-quality content to the society, through our employees’ knowledgement. Let’s talk about what we do with anyone who wants to listen to us. We want to reach those people they want to listen to us but they do not know that already. If what we do is not good, or is not competitive, even in this case, we will be getting positive points or, at least, we will not have lost too much time to start doing things better. We are what we learn.

This article was published originally in Medium.


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Óscar Pérez

Works at Netex as a Full-stack Web Developer.