José Manuel Martín Márquez

Software Products Director | Dedicated to the world of e-learning or online training since 2001 as a technology consultant, José is a customer-centred professional, able to listen to your needs, find the best solution and run the entire project. He is particularly interested in collaborative tools, learning ecosystems, web 2.0, social networking, m-learning and any online training project that requires significant technological and innovation input.

Artículos de José Manuel Martín Márquez

Content curation, as a strategy in the training and learning processes of organisations, has always had a relevant role. But nowadays, in a world focused on microlearning, talent detection, continuous reskilling of employees, with contents that become obsolete even before being published… content curation is becoming a determining factor.
Josh Bersin recently said in an article that the LXP (Learning Experience Platform) or NGLE (Next Generation Learning Environments) market is growing so fast that it is too big to ignore.
While many organizations have moved away from the paradigm of vertical management and move towards flatter management structures and greater involvement with the business line, in most companies I know, the L&D departments still maintain exclusive control and leadership of the entire process of training and learning within the company.
It is estimated that the e-learning market in 2023 will surpass $240Billion, an increase of 5% per year in the period 2016-2023. The SMAC approach (Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) has helped more and more companies to see in e-learning a solution that is compatible with their needs at budget
Mozilla OpenBadges is a set of open standards for creating, obtaining and displaying badges from anywhere and everywhere.