Category: News

In February, we gathered in Madrid with those ‘elearning champions’ at I-love learning 2015, a date that many already had in their calendar.
As thoughts turn to mince pies, mulled wine and turkey dinners, perhaps it’s also a good time to reflect on the changes we have seen in 2014 but for the purposes of this blog, we’ll restrict these to Learning Technology changes!
We are with Concha Roldán, Global Manager for Digital Projects at Grupo Santillana and we would like to ask you about how Santillana is using Netex learningMaker tool.
Francisco Prior and Carlos San José give us an interview in which we unravel the new challenges and opportunities that publishing houses are facing.
London Book Fair: a global marketplace for right negotiations and the sale and distribution of content across print, audio, TV, film and digital channels. Educational publishers and schools, colleges and universities had been leading the way in terms of the transformation of digital classrooms but I am not sure I
Liliana Meneses, Educational Strategy and Development Manager at Banco Santander, gave us with this interview a few minutes to explain some of the key factors that have led to the successful collaboration between Netex and Santander Mexico.