Every year in the UK, thousands of job vacancies go unfilled due to a lack of candidates with the necessary skills. The skills gap in the UK is hampering the growth of business sectors and jeopardising the country’s competitiveness in an increasingly demanding global market. The solution to this problem…

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Technology is changing our world. Above all, our way of seeing the world. Whether we think we are in the fourth revolution, an era of change or a change of era, the truth is that life is changing us very much and constantly.
Microlearning is a disruptive learning strategy which goes way beyond content chunking. Microlearning is not a technological solution; it is a learning strategy and needs to be implemented as one.
Last February 14th, I had the pleasure and the honor to be invited by Netex to their i-love learning event. I was asked to talk about our journey of Santander to become a learning organization, as a key enabler of the strategic aim to transform ourselves into the “best open
En el evento se habló del pasado, del presente y del futuro: de casos reales que se están desarrollando en diferentes empresas, de historias inspiracionales que nos fuerzan a salir de nuestra zona de confort, y de las tendencias que hoy algunas compañías están empezando a implementar y que mañana
The start of the year is always a busy time in our sector. Trade shows and events dominate the calendar for Marketing and Sales professionals and for Netex this is no different. In fact the second week in February is particularly busy as we exhibited at Europe’s largest digital learning
We live in the future and we haven't realised it; the constant urge to live in a futuristic way makes it difficult for us to see the current scenario with a certain perspective because it has arrived gradually.
Josh Bersin recently said in an article that the LXP (Learning Experience Platform) or NGLE (Next Generation Learning Environments) market is growing so fast that it is too big to ignore.
Large organisations are empowering middle managers to help people in their professional development and defining their own goals in terms of performance. These practices require coaching to help people in the short term and in the medium term.
In its seventh edition, the event brought together about 250 Human Resources and Training managers of at least 125 national and international companies there to listen to four industry experts from the training and elearning sector.

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