Every year in the UK, thousands of job vacancies go unfilled due to a lack of candidates with the necessary skills. The skills gap in the UK is hampering the growth of business sectors and jeopardising the country’s competitiveness in an increasingly demanding global market. The solution to this problem…

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Behavioural change is the biggest indicator of successful learning and is the hardest to achieve. In the case of soft skills training, compliance training, even sales training, a behavioural change should be the expected output and not just completion of the training.
Corporate learning follows the assembly-line linearity of Packaging and Delivering. You package learning and deliver it to the learners. Once the learners consume the package, label them with suitable qualification. This model is based on qualification criteria and does not care much about the performance of the learner.
This is the second in the series of our insights from Learning Live this year. More than ever most experiences people are engaged with on a daily basis are shaped by a digital layer. Whether it is to book a service, to communicate with friends, listen to music, read a
Nothing quite spells the end of summer like the obligatory first day of school photos, followed by the rush to get into London to attend the annual and now increasingly “must attend” event, LearningLive! The conference has grown from strength to strength in recent years and the ability to talk
While many organizations have moved away from the paradigm of vertical management and move towards flatter management structures and greater involvement with the business line, in most companies I know, the L&D departments still maintain exclusive control and leadership of the entire process of training and learning within the company.
Some day you have to implement a change. This can be within a company, in your family or in a community of neighbors. If the change is very desired, you may not have much resistance. The problem arises when the rest do not see or understand the problem or when
The late and legendary author of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams once said, “A learning experience is one of those things that says, ‘You know that thing you just did? Don’t do that.”

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