Every year in the UK, thousands of job vacancies go unfilled due to a lack of candidates with the necessary skills. The skills gap in the UK is hampering the growth of business sectors and jeopardising the country’s competitiveness in an increasingly demanding global market. The solution to this problem…

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It is surprising, however, to find out how many consultancy firms are still tied to traditional models and have none, if not sporadically, activated digital proposals: this is the bad news.
"Dealing with everything means losing relevance". Success in software development is in the specialisation. My leiv motiv when facing the development of a product is "Focus on what you do best, and join the best in their field."
But what exactly constitutes microlearning, beyond content delivered in 1-5 minutes bursts? Microlearning was conceived as a solution for just-in-time training and performance support. But it can also be applied to long term learning programmes. Exponents claim that delivering learning content in bite-size chunks and drip feeding it over a
In part one of this blog series I explored the changing digital landscape affecting L&D professionals today and relevance of traditional learning methodologies to the modern learner, if you missed this article you can review it here. In this follow-up piece, I want to start to take a look at
In a recent meeting with people working in the education field I was asked, "Is the digital book going to end school failure?” I wish it was that easy. Obviously, the factors that determine school failure are so varied that moving a single piece on the board does not make
“Consumerisation is the specific impact that consumer-originated technologies can have on enterprises. It reflects how enterprises will be affected by, and can take advantage of, new technologies and models that originate and develop in the consumer space, rather than in the enterprise IT sector.”
The concept of interoperability of systems is not new at all. For decades, it is a line of action sought and desired in areas such as transport or public administrations, with more or less happy results. No need for a judicious analysis, not a long dissertation about lofty concepts to
During his webinar on next generation learning platforms, Country Manager Mike Byrne highlighted some of the key drivers that will shape these systems. Notably he started by spotlighting changing learner needs and consumerisation of learning, issues which are in many ways connected.

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