Category: Strategy

Whenever a company decides to acquire new software, integration with existing tools always becomes a crucial consideration. These integrations are often perceived as a gap when implementing the software internally. What is the best strategy for an effective migration? In this article, we delve into the key aspects.
Is it time for L&D and Operations to re-think how they work together? Our article explores this hot topic and provides useful insights into how L&D and Operations can work together to create training programmes that truly make a difference.
AI is a true gamechanger, and is already making waves in the L&D industry. But how should L&D embrace it? Read our article to find out.
Content curation, as a strategy in the training and learning processes of organisations, has always had a relevant role. But nowadays, in a world focused on microlearning, talent detection, continuous reskilling of employees, with contents that become obsolete even before being published… content curation is becoming a determining factor.
Large organisations are empowering middle managers to help people in their professional development and defining their own goals in terms of performance. These practices require coaching to help people in the short term and in the medium term.
Behavioural change is the biggest indicator of successful learning and is the hardest to achieve. In the case of soft skills training, compliance training, even sales training, a behavioural change should be the expected output and not just completion of the training.
Corporate learning follows the assembly-line linearity of Packaging and Delivering. You package learning and deliver it to the learners. Once the learners consume the package, label them with suitable qualification. This model is based on qualification criteria and does not care much about the performance of the learner.
While many organizations have moved away from the paradigm of vertical management and move towards flatter management structures and greater involvement with the business line, in most companies I know, the L&D departments still maintain exclusive control and leadership of the entire process of training and learning within the company.
Some day you have to implement a change. This can be within a company, in your family or in a community of neighbors. If the change is very desired, you may not have much resistance. The problem arises when the rest do not see or understand the problem or when
But what exactly constitutes microlearning, beyond content delivered in 1-5 minutes bursts? Microlearning was conceived as a solution for just-in-time training and performance support. But it can also be applied to long term learning programmes. Exponents claim that delivering learning content in bite-size chunks and drip feeding it over a
The concept of interoperability of systems is not new at all. For decades, it is a line of action sought and desired in areas such as transport or public administrations, with more or less happy results. No need for a judicious analysis, not a long dissertation about lofty concepts to